Blogging my weight loss journey.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Some Random Thoughts

Just a few things I've been thinking about this morning...

My mom recorded a recent episode of The Doctors to show me.  It had several segments on health and weightloss.  What really stood out was that Danny the winner of last seasons' Biggest Loser was on.  He lost 239 pounds.  They had a weight bar with 240 pounds and asked him if he could pick it up.   He couldn't budge it off the ground.  Here he is now being in the best possible shape his body could be and he couldn't lift it..   When he was in his worst shape, he was carrying that around everyday.   I often think about how much easier it would be if I wasn't carrying around this 100+ pounds.  That's more than my youngest daughter weighs.  Even if I was in much better shape and stronger than I am now, I can't imagine carrying her around. Or imagine carrying ten 10 pound bags of potatoes!  No wonder my knees and feet and back and everything else hurts.   Not to mention what I can't feel - the strain on my heart.   So seeing Danny stand next to that huge set of weights has been a really good visual for me. 

While my mom and I were drywalling Sunday, she mentioned how when she was growing up, she can't imagine her mom ever making a meal thinking 'this would be healthy for my kids to eat.'  It was just a matter of making meals that would fill up the kids and taste was always a big priority.  She said that's what she knew and then when she had her own kids, it was more of the same.    It just kind of makes sense that we are all the size we are.  And all of us addicted to sugar!  Healthy eating just wasn't even on the radar.   My grandma (mom's mom) passed away last year at the age of 76.   We truly believe she'd still be here today if she'd only made some changes in her life.    She had so many health problems and most of them were brought on by her own choices.  Or at the very least made worse by her choices.   She was such a wonderful person but just wouldn't take care of herself.   My mom and I don't want our kids/grandkids to think that of us someday.     My mom and I are fighting the fight.  We do not want to be the victim my grandma chose to be.    We do not want to put our children (and grandchildren) though what she put us though.   We need to figure out the right way to do it.    THIS WILL BE OUR YEAR to get it done!

Back to the dentist today to get the permanent crown on my tooth.  When I got the temporary crown put on three weeks ago, it set me off on a mini binge once the numbing wore off.   Hope the trauma of going to the dentist doesn't do that to me today.  Okay, it's NOT going to happen.   I just hate going to the dentist so much, it sets off all kinds of emotions.   I'm aware of it today though and going to keep control!

Just need to get through work (and the dentist) today and then it's a 3 day weekend for me.  Can't wait!


  1. Wow, that is a great visual. And I totally agree about the past generations and no regards to healthy eating. I know that obesity has gotten worse in America over the past couple of years, but it also seems like there is a lot of effort to try to stop it as well. Good post to think about, thanks!

  2. I saw the same show. Danny looks great!! After I had lost 50 lbs, my trainer made me lunge with 25 lb disks in each hand. I said..."this is crazy hard." She said..."you were lunging with that on your body when you first started." Real eye opener.

    I can tell you when I had lost is all..I got rid of most of my knee and back pain.

    You can do it. This is YOUR year!!

  3. Choosing not to be a "victim" is a great way to motivate yourself. Good luck!

  4. Hi fellow Leftie!

    That is so wonderful that you are breaking the cycle. What a gift you are giving to your daughters. I came from that same kind of cooking. Any veggies we had were either swimming in butter, smothered in a cheese or white sauce, or drowned in salad dressing. Plus meat n potatoes--with gravy of course.

    It was learned, and deeply ingrained. Also the habit of USING food instead of feeling, processing and dealing with emotions. That was a learned behavior, too. And a harder one to change.

    Some day your girls will thank you.

  5. Hooray for you and your mom! You can do it! Thanks for sharing the Doctors tidbit, that really puts everything into perspective.
